Events Ideas 101:

Interactive virtual events have become a place where people network, connect with like-minders and find new business partners. Including an element of interactivity is certainly an engaging and fun way to add a personalized touch to the event.

When you're ploughing all your energy into planning a fantastic event, there's always the danger that you'll neglect the most important part of all; making sure people actually turn up. To cut through the noise and get people excited, a few Tweets just isn't going to cut it. It's time to start thinking creatively.

#1. Create quizzes and questionnaires

Help your virtual audience to get more information about the topics and speakers letting them ask and answer the questions before, during and after the event. Workup enables you to choose and show the most interesting questions and topics. All while participants can share their thoughts and likes about the questions. Encourage your audience to be creative and give them a prize if they did a good job with Q&A.

#2. Be a matchmaker

Top of the agenda for conference goers is networking, but often they're dreading it. Luckily, you're in a great position to take the pain out of the process. Connecting visitors with the people they're looking to partner with before they even get there is a powerful incentive to attend your event. It shows you get their needs and can genuinely help them to win new business-that this is an event they can't afford to miss. Needless to say, the chance to strike a mutually valuable relationship like this could make your tickets a lot more attractive.

#3. Social media contest

The benefit of having a super-engaged audience is that a common side effect is great social media exposure. At any event, you must use an event hashtag. Your audience will use this hashtag when posting something related to your event. Naturally, you can track this hashtag and run analyses and contests. So, at your virtual events, make sure that you provide your audience with possibilities to post creative things to social media. Most people are up for a good contest, especially if there is something to win that they really want. Run some social media contests for your large virtual conferences. For example, you can ask your audience to post a picture of how they are attending your event. Some people might have a very creative setup. Some people might work from the garden and even the beach. The person with the most creative or unique setup will win. If you are running a large virtual conference, you might allow people to ask questions through social media. So if they want to ask a question, they have to ask it through Twitter. This will give your event hashtag a lot of exposure.
When it comes to social media contests, the sky's the limit.

#4. Encourage voting during virtual events

Get your audience involved by creating fun live polls. Live polls are one of the funniest ways to boost up attention. Let your participants vote and show the results on a diagram in real-time. You can ask about the like speakers' topics and graphics or rate different subjects and opinions.

#5. Provide an event theme

By theming your event you can essentially take your audience through an experience- pre-event, during the event, and post-event. Let's say you're hosting a virtual event close to Christmas. It would be great for everyone to wear a Santa hat or another item. These usually come paired with great stories that break the ice. Even for corporate events, this work well. People need a bit of fun in their life and by providing an exciting event theme, you'll put a smile on their faces if pulled off correctly. Ask your audience to bring items to the virtual event that represent the event theme and then ask them questions about it. People will have a laugh and it will increase audience engagement.

Round up...

These engagement ideas are great, but the first step is to actually set up your virtual event. So , I've written an article about how to make your events stand out from other events.

Now I'd like to hear from you. What is your creative idea to improve virtual event engagement? Let me know by leaving your insights on the comment section.


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Written by: Antony Moturi

   About the Author: 

Antony is a professional DJ, Pianist, Social Media ManagerContent Creator and a Blogger. Besides that he does professional Sound Engineering, Public Speaking and is a Youth Leader.
